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The Dangers of WiFi Radiation

There is a link between EMF (Electro-magnetic Field) radiation and cancer. A study conducted by the National Toxicology Program proved just this. They set aside two groups of male rats. Group A would have no exposure to radiation. Group B would be exposed to cell phone (this was before the iPhone) radiation from the time of birth for 2 years which is the average lifespan of a rat. They were exposed to the radiation 9 hours a day, 7 days a week. None of the rats in group A developed cancer. Whereas 3% of the rats in group B developed brain cancer, and 7% developed nerve cell tumors. This may not sound very threatening, but remember, these rats were exposed to older cell phones not nearly as dangerous as iPhone or Smartphone radiation. And these rats were only exposed to it for 9 hours a day. The average person today is exposed to EMF radiation from their iPhones for around 12 hours a day and Wi-Fi radiation via routers in their homes and businesses 24/7. Even when you're not actively talking on your phone or browsing the internet, as long as your iPhone, laptop, or wireless router is on and nearby, it emits radiation. This means that we have an even higher risk of getting cancer than the rats in the study.

Another study, conducted by Dr. Siegal Sadetzki, exhibited that cell phones were a major contributor to salivary gland tumors. He reported that the risk of developing a tumor on the side of your head which you hold the phone increases by: 34% if you use cell phones regularly and have spoken on them for over five years, 49% if you have spoken on a mobile phone for more than 266.3 hours in your lifetime, And 58% if you had over 5,550 calls in your lifetime.

Radiation and Male Infertility

Most guys don’t know this, but their reproductive organs are at risk now more than ever before. Men keep your iPhone in your pants pocket, a risk that could affect not only you, but your future children. In a recent study, 29 healthy men were exposed to a WIFI connected laptop for 4 hours. In just 4 hours, the EMF radiation severely impaired their sperm motility- this means that their sperm couldn’t move properly. This is a serious issue if you are attempting to start a family. Another factor they studied is DNA damage. EMF radiation can penetrate through tissues and directly damage DNA. The DNA damage caused to sperm by WIFI can make egg fertilization less likely as well as cause miscarriages and genetic abnormalities in their children. Bottom line, men should not carry iPhones in their pants pockets (don’t be tempted to put them near your heart in your shirt pocket either). Shut off phones as much as possible and keep iPhone and wireless devices out of all bedrooms. Turn off wireless routers in the house when not in use & use landlines for long calls.

Radiation and Insomnia

There is also a link between radiation and lack of sleep, as we see in a study conducted in 2007. Researchers selected two different groups of people. The first group would be exposed to low frequency EMF radiation from real cell phones. The second group were surrounded by fake phones with no signal. The first group had trouble falling asleep and had changes in brainwave patterns whereas the second group did not. In general, people exposed to radiation from iPhones, laptops, wireless routers at night can start developing chronic sleep problems. This happens since Wi-Fi pollution interferes with sleep patterns. Sleep deprivation has been know to lead to depression, hypertension, lowered immunity, chronic fatigue and anxiety.

Radiation and Bone Health

Radiation also decreases bone density after long periods of time. A study was conducted on 150 men who wore their cell phones attached to their belts for an average of 15 hours a day for 6 years. Using X-Rays, scientists discovered that their pelvic bone mineral density on the side that their phones were strapped on was lower than the pelvic bone density on the other side. This shows that bone mineral density can be lowered by EMF's emitted by cell phones.

88 health organizations sent a letter to the European Economic and Social Committee explaining how the government is betraying the trust of the people when it comes to Wi-Fi safety standards. The United States Department of the Interior admitted that "electro-magnetic radiation standards used by the Federal Communications Commission continue to be based on thermal heating, a criterion now nearly 30 years out of date." This means that the guidelines governing Wi-Fi radiation frequencies are based on research from 30 years ago! These regulations are out of date and can't be relied upon to protect our health.

In today's day and age we have become addicted to digital equipment. Children use iPhones, Smartphones, and tablets for an average of 6-7 hours a day. This is way beyond the 2 hour maximum limit the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends. Talking on a cell phone allows 80% of the EMF radiation to penetrate up to 2 inches into your brain! Children are more at risk since their skull bones are much thinner allowing even more radiation to penetrate. WiFi In Schools Gives Off 3 Times As Much Radiation As Cell Towers! The World Health Organization has classified WiFi radiation type exposures as a ‘possible Class 2B carcinogen’. Wifi radiation is becoming a public health hazard.

Safety Tips:

*Turn off iPhones when not in use or put them on airplane mode.

*Keep iPhone and wireless devices out of all bedrooms (especially children's bedrooms).

*Turn off routers in the house when not in use & use landlines for long calls.

*Keep children off of wireless devices as much as possible.

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