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M.P. Geulah

My Miracle: Utilizing Nature to Heal

Many years ago I was faced with a big problem and that problem was autism. A family member was suffering terribly: mental regression, hyperactivity. It was just this big black hole and I had no way out. So of course I began searching the internet. And I came across a site called natural news where I began learning that disease can be treated through food. Of course, this concept is nothing new. Maimonidies said " No disease that can be treated through diet should be treated by any other means". Autism is a complex man-made disease of the modern era. It didn't even exist before the 1940's. So obviously, something that this generation is doing is causing children to develop autism. For my family member it was quite clear that vaccines triggered autism. And a dose of antibiotics prescribed to her soon afterwards sealed the deal. I was not into natural food or natural medicine before autism hit us. So when I was confronted with autism, I had nowhere to turn. In those days, the medical community denied that there is a cure for autism. Of course they have since changed their opinion and have admitted that there is a 10% change of "spontaneous" recovery. I could turn to G-d, so that's what I did: I prayed. G-d answered me by helping me to discover the world of natural medicine. After all, He created vegetables, berries, herbs, leafy greens, mushrooms, all of which are amazing sources of vitamins, nutrients, and healing enzymes. In truth, natural medicine is not 'alternative', its not radical or revolutionary. It's basically utilizing the resources that G-d has provided to us, instead of turning to man-made drugs and pills. Natural medicine works with nature. Whereas modern medicine works against nature. Take for example antibiotics- it literally means anti bacterial. Antibiotics destroy the bacteria in our bodies, including the good bacteria. Whereas probiotics work to strengthen the good bacteria in our bodies so that balance is restored. Once I started learning there was no stopping me. Slowly I made dietary changes. Sugar was the first thing I cut out, then processed foods, commercial bread, pasta, non-organic dairy, trans fats etc... Juicing made its way into my life. And I saw the results, eating healthy makes a huge impact on the body. I started seeing improvements in my autistic family member, but everything good takes time. I was still learning how to cook natural foods, how to juice. I believe that natural foods have all the nutrients we need to stay healthy and remain healthy. Usually (but not always) the disease state arises for some reason, whether its bad diet, stress, drugs, exposure to heat/cold, physical strain, etc... For whatever reason, we have depleted our bodies of essential nutrients, our immune systems become weak and we get sick. Remember, viruses and bacteria cannot enter healthy cells. Every cell is supposed to have natural antiviral properties to protect it. Only when the cell is sick or nutrient deficient can it be overtaken by pathogens. (Keep in mind, many man-made drugs act as immune suppressants, sugar also suppresses the immune system). Nowadays, due to bad diet, almost everyone is nutrient deficient, and its just getting worse by the day. Since the industrial revolution when stone grinders were banned in many countries or replaced by steel mills we are all B vitamin deficient. And so much rides on the B-vitamins. Vitamin B-3 in particular plays an essential part in the immune system. Then I stumbled across a book by Dr. Abram Hoffer. His books really opened my eyes. The philosophy behind his work is that disease stems from nutrient deficiency and can be treated through nutrients. His favorite vitamin was Vitamin B-3, or Niacin. Thanks to his research, doctors began using Niacin for heart disease. Of course, he and his colleagues never got the credit for the discovery that niacin lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol. He was friends with major players in the world of natural medicine, including Dr. Linus Pauling, Bernad Rimland, and many others. He was also a close friend of William (Bill) Griffin Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. When Dr. Hoffer met Bill Wilson, Bill was of course no longer an alcoholic but was still suffering from anxiety, fatigue and depression. Dr Hoffer recommended that he take 1000 mg of niacin 3 times a day after meals. Bill's anxiety and depression lifted after just 2 weeks. Bill recommended 30 of his friends in AA to try it. It worked for them as well. But when he approached the board members of AA with his findings, the International Headquarters of AA opposed the use of niacin. Nonetheless, Bill wrote "The Vitamin B therapy", a pamphlet that he distributed to to thousands of AA members. Dr Abram Hoffer treated thousands of patients through diet change and vitamin megadose therapy. He treated patients with schizophrenia, depression, addictions, heart disease, allergies, ADHD, arthritis, and children with learning disabilities with much success. He explained that for some reason our generation is not obtaining enough B vitamins, which are critical for mental health and overall well-being. To me, It comes as no surprise that we are not obtaining enough of the B-vitamins. Due to the way grains are being processed today, the bread we are eating just doesn't contain the nutrients it should. Steel mills virtually destroy many of the vitamins in the grains, since they grind at HIGH HEAT and with tremendous force. Only stone grinders grind grains softly at low heat, preserving the vitamins in the grain. All store bought flours are nutrient deficient, for this reason the government mandated that they be fortified with vitamins. Only fresh stone ground bread contains the nutrients we should be getting from bread, in their original form. Dr. Hoffer's books inspired me to try vitamin therapy. I started taking Vitamin B-3, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Unfortunately, as the Vitamin industry started to boom, I could literally feel the quality of major vitamin brands go way down. Today, most of the Vitamins are made in China, often from GMO ingredients such as corn. I no longer take vitamins in isolated form unless I really need to. I stick to eating healthy food. Thank G-d, I have not taken antibiotics in over 10 years!!! When I first adopted a natural diet, I noticed that I just stopped getting sick as often, Just by cutting out sugar, trans fats, and unhealthy foods. Sugar severely weakens the immune system. If I feel a cold coming on I squeeze grape fruit juice, orange juice, lemons. I eat stone ground bread daily (rich in B-vitamins, and Vitamin E). For more serious conditions which hardly ever occur Baruch Hashem, Bli Ayin Hara, I take Non-flush Niacin (which is a natural antibacterial), Vitamin D, nascent iodine, bamboo salt (natural source of minerals), I do organic green juicing, MSM. Obviously, a back ache or the flu require different nutritional approaches, but the concept is the same. Don't work against the body, work to strengthen the body.

The bottom line is it's important to EAT HEALTHY FOODS on a day to day basis. It costs money to eat healthy, but in the long term it cuts down on medical bills. Like a car, the body is designed to run on food as fuel, but not all fuel is the same, if you feed the body premium food (fuel), the body will perform better, if you feed it junk, eventually there will be a price to pay. Going back to my autism story. After 2 years my family member finally recovered from autism and ADHD. I am very thankful to G-d for curing her. During those 2 years I tried very hard to help her. I prepared healthy meals 3 times a day, did juicing every day, gave her vitamins including Non-flush Niacin, organic sulfur (MSM), etc.. All of these things helped. I saw improvements all the time, she began to read again, her speech improved, her ADHD got better. Autism is a very complex problem. I believe that autism is not only a physical problem, it's also a spiritual problem, for that reason we need a Miracle for it to be healed. I needed G-d to heal her, to literally take her out of the autistic state. With time, persistence, and consistency, I got that miracle. Many parents lose hope. If there is no hope then all is lost. You have to believe 100% that your child can be healed. Belief can become a reality. Its the same with any illness, you have to do your best, for as long as it takes, and let G-d do the rest.

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