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Alzheimer's linked to Heavy Metal Toxicity

Alzheimer's is so common today that it has become a 'normal' part of aging. Even more disturbing is that rates of early onset Alzheimer's are soaring, with people as young as 40 or 50 experiencing its effects.­ Obviously, prevention is easier than healing, because most neurological diseases do not become apparent until 75% of brain cells in the affected area have died. There are many factors that can bring on Alzheimer's including physical and emotional stress and free radical formation. Toxic elements such as mercury, aluminum, copper, flouride, lead, flouride, and cadmium can cause an acceleration of free radical formation. In many studies, aluminum has been shown to be neurotoxic. In one study, patients with Alzheimer's had the highest levels of aluminum ever recorded. Aluminum can be found in aluminum cookware (coffee pots, teflon), aluminum foil, silver amalgams, anatcids, buffered aspirin, and vaccines. Over time, these toxic heavy metals accumulate in our bodies, especially in the fat cells. With age the blood brain barrier begins to fail, allowing toxic elements in the blood to enter the cells in the brain. Since the brain is 60% fat, the fat in the brain cells capture and lock in these damaging toxins. Part of the reason these toxic heavy metals cause so much damage is because they accelerate free radical production in the body.

What are free radicals?

Free radicals are formed when oxidation occurs. A typical example of oxidation is the browning of a peeled apple when exposed to air. The apple peel contains many antioxidants which prevent oxidation. When removed the apple begins to brown or age. During oxidation, oxygen combines with other molecules in its vicinity. This a normal process . But heavy metals accelerate this process, creating excessive free radical formation and destruction. Thankfully, antioxidans such as vitamin C and E inhibit this process. To illustrate this, pour lemon juice (which is full of antioxidants) on a peeled apple- it will prevent the browning. Ideally, vitamins and antioxidants should come from food, unfortunately, many of us are eating foods that are actually draining our bodies of nutrients, such as foods made of refined flour and sugar. We are not drinking freshly squeezed juices (bottled doesn't count). We are not eating salads, greens, and veggies in the right amounts. So supplementation becomes a necessity.

Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer's

Vitamin C- In the book Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone by Dr. Abraham Hoffer and Andrew Saul on oage "Vitamin C may therefore be of special value in the treatment of AD (Alzheimers disease). For Vitmain C 3,000-6000mg may be adequate." Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)- aids in detoxification, restoring memory, and improving memory. On page 240 of Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone Dr. Hoffer says "Vitamin B3 plays a particulary important role in preventing or treating senility...The optimum dose of niacin varies between 3,000 mg and 6,000 mg per day divided in three doses." Niacinamide is the non flush form of niacin, if you do not want to experience the flush, which some people may find uncomfortable, then opt for niacinamide. If you choose niacin, then start slowly and build up the dosage as you become comfotable with the flush. Antioxidants: According to Dr. Hoffer "Antioxidant vitamins such as Vitamins E and beta carotene may slow down or prevent AD (Alzheimer's). A good dose is 800-2000 IU per day." The best way to obtain beta carotene is through green vegetables and fresh juices. Alpha Lipoic Acid- Alpha Lipoic Acid protects cells by acting as a powerful antioxidant it also chelates heavy metals and increases glucose transport into the cells.

Healthy Brain Diet:

No refined sugar or flour. Stone Groud Bread is the best type of bread because it's high in vitamins (especially B-vitamins) and fiber. I know of 2 cases of elderly patients, one with Alzheimer's and one with Parkinson's, where both had unstoppable shaking in their bodies. When they eat Stone Ground Bread, the shaking stops. It's possible that the vitamins in stone ground bread somehow aid the brain. (Stone Ground flour should be baked within a few hours after stone grinding for optimum nutrients.) Trans fats should be avoided at all costs because they interfere with neuron function. Omega 3 fats are composed of EPA and DHA which are crucial to brain health. Coconut oil is high in ketones and the brain utilizes ketones as brain fuel. Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Coconut oil 3-4 tablespoons per day taken raw. There have even been cases where Alzheimer's has actually been reversed using raw coconut oil. Lots and Lots of green vegetables and fresh green juices and smoothies. Green vegetables contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber which aid in the removal of heavy metals from the body and keep the brain and body energized. Pay attention to early signs of Alzheimer's. Possible signs of early Alzheimer's include change in sense of humor, laughing inappropriately, vision problems, difficulty determining time or distance, repetitive conversations, difficulty solving problems, and memory loss.

M.P. Geulah is an author and health advocate. Her first book is "Managing ADHD Without Medication- from a Mother's Perspective" (for sale on Amazon).

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